In Bed With… Ditty

In Bed With… Ditty
As an independent artist and urban ecologist, Ditty’s music is inspired by the natural world. Her insightful lyrics and sublime timbre are compelling enough, yet what resonates most with us is her coupling of sustainability with creative expression. Whether raising funds for water conservation or charting a conscious touring model for artists that offsets carbon emissions, she is pitch perfect and a girl after our own hearts:
Most mornings begin with...
Warm water, lemon and ginger! Some meditation and mindful movements.
Night owl or early bird?
I am most def an early bird.
Favourite bedroom feature...
I love having plants in the bedroom. They are great company and bring the bedroom to life.
Having lived and travelled across different parts of the world, how has the idea of home evolved for you?
I am currently living between India and Germany. Living in various places, amidst different cultures can be very beautiful yet also very challenging. In the last few years, I really struggled with this idea of home and I spent a lot of time creating practices for myself that have enabled me to come home to myself.
“Mindfulness, yoga, meditation, eating well– cooking for myself, bedtime routines, spending time outdoors under trees no matter where I am – these help me ground myself. I try to create a safe space for myself wherever I go and this is a place where I can spend time with myself!”
I am currently working on my next record, s k i n, that talks a lot about coming home to ourselves: to be aligned in body, mind and spirit.
Earliest influences that have shaped you today...
Spending time outdoors, the love in my family, creative activities like dancing and painting, poetry, music, trees, parks, animals...
We love the title of your album 'Rain is Coming'. The metaphor of cleansing or washing away for a fresh start seems especially poignant...
This is a very special project for me. With my newly found experimental art collective, Faraway Friends, we are trying to create a space in the industry to be able to make art focused on social and environmental issues. I co-wrote these songs with incredible musicians and got to work with very talented filmmakers, visual artists, and dancers.
“Rain is Coming is a concept album. It’s designed like a storybook.”
It starts with me reciting poetry and shouting; it’s full of tasty german rap by Keno, genius natural soundscapes and beats by David and includes the voices of many grassroot activists. It contains several sounds of water and through the album, we wanted to tell stories about the very inspiring community-led water conservation movements in north India.
Favourite activity in bed?
Massaging myself and my tummy before I go to sleep. Hehe. I have a large selection of infusion oils waiting for me by my bed. Sometimes I also wake up and write music in bed and I think this is my favourite place to write.
In a time of much uncertainty, what's keeping you creative and inspired?
I am really enjoying being with myself. I’m reading The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson, watching the amazing roster of films by Studio Ghibli and listening to John Fahey and Nick Drake.
I am working on my new record and also on setting up an organisation for rewilding in Asia called WeWild.
A perfect Sunday…
An outdoor picnic with fresh fruit and minty lemonade.
What about Himêya resonates with you most?
I think we believe in the same things. I love the solid sheets, natural colours and the simplicity of the products.
How would you describe your attitude towards stress?
There is no substitute for rest. When I don’t rest enough, I find myself more stressed and going at 100 miles an hour. I try to consciously make room for relaxation and meditation. These help me stop, slow down and really tune into what is going on with me.
“I have also learnt from my partner to break things down into tiny pieces. Reminding myself that I am doing my best each day and also trying to be compassionate towards myself helps me refrain from putting pressure on myself to do more.”
And then there's spending time outdoors with the trees – I don’t know what I would do if I couldn't!
What are you most looking forward to returning to once it's safe?
Playing concerts!
Feature image courtesy Shehan Obeysekara