Do Your Bit: There Is No Planet B

Do Your Bit: There Is No Planet B
On April 22nd every year, the world celebrates Earth Day. Now in its 52nd year of advocacy, the movement began in 1970, fuelled by the Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969. Over 20 million US citizens rallied for a cleaner and safer environment. It was a movement powerful enough to influence Government policy and as a result, Earth Day was born.
Our takeaway? There’s no day like today to come together and do our bit. Here’s how:
As a global citizen, your every action makes a direct or indirect impact on our environment. As an individual, there are 100’s if not 1000’s ways you can contribute towards an eco-friendlier planet.
We’re often told we should make a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint: use less plastic, recycle, avoid harsh chemicals, don’t litter and more. In an effort to start somewhere comfortable yet concrete, we’ve sliced it four ways towards a lifestyle that urges you to be Be Better:
Food wastage is a serious and universal problem. Production and supply chain issues as well as the tendency to overbuy groceries are its leading causes. This is where meal preparation comes to the rescue.
Meal preparation entails planning out all your meals for the week or even a month at one go. While meal prepping, one tends to be mindful of how much they buy by sticking to a grocery list. Leftovers tend to be used smartly. You are less likely to throw them out and more likely to consider using leftovers for another meal.
Meal prepping even reduces the urge to grab fast food meals. The latter comes with layers of packaging made with styrofoam, plastic containers and utensils. And these–you guessed it–end up in our landfills.
Of course, the point of switching to copper bottles is to intentionally reduce the use of plastic. Plastic is the number one killer of our planet and by avoiding its use, we can render it more secure.
When you think reusable, think copper. Unlike plastic, it can be used for years without wearing out. Also unlike plastic, copper is natural. As a material, it also tends to benefit the chemical balance by acting as a natural stabiliser that kills pathogens found in water.
Needless to say, air and ground pollution levels have risen significantly over the past decade. Aside from thinking twice over whether a physical meeting can be managed over Zoom, there are ways to save fuel – a nonrenewable source of energy.
Sharing a cab to your destination helps reduce carbon emissions whilst reducing traffic congestion.
Electric bikes and cars produce a much lower carbon emission compared to conventional methods of transportation. By switching to electric, you can rest assured that your carbon footprint is significantly lowered.
Opting for eco-friendly, recycled and resale amounts to conscious consumption. With the multitude of options available today, shopping sustainably can be easy on the planet and the eye.
At Himêya, the benefits trickle down to Earth and your health as well. Not only is our bath and bedding ethically sourced with a zero waste mindset, but we also add the special touch of an all-natural bio-based finish. It helps our fabric to absorb sweat, wick moisture away and dry faster. Compared to standard crude oil based wicking finishes, it has a significantly, up to 8 times, lower carbon footprint and is highly biodegradable. And last but not the least, we leave you with our Semul Pillow, whose attributes include non-toxicity, hypoallergenicity and antimicrobial resistance.